Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind is the Dutch foundation for disabled children.

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Our aim is to "promote and financially support initiatives that aim at the participation and/or integration in society of individuals with a disability until the age of 30-years-old in the Netherlands" (Art. 2a, by-laws).

Working area

We operate primarily in the Netherlands (16 million people). However, occasionally also projects abroad can be supported when in the direct interest of Dutch children and youngsters with a disability.


Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind was founded in 1950. Its main activity was the management of several homes for physically disabled children in the Netherlands. Since in the 80's governmental support for the homes was realised, that support became less important. At the same time the number of requests for support increased. In 1998 the management of the homes was placed under a different legal person and has been totally separated.

Since 1999 the scope has been widened and nowadays includes children with a physical, intellectual or multiple disability and/or chronic disease. Nowadays 26 people work at Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind. The foundation is both grant-making and grant-seeking.


Main issue of Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind is that no disabled should have to play alone. That means that every child should have access to friends in 'playgrounds', 'school' and 'sports'. Nowadays we supports on those four fields a variety of organisations, such as foundations and associations. We receive more than 300 requests each year; approx half of these are granted a total amount of € 3 million.


Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind is a 100% private financed organisation and receives no governmental subsidies. Main sources of income are: private donors, legacies, collections and the revenues from the working capital. We also receive contributions from lotteries and national enterprises. The most important pillar under our revenues is the active support of the approx. 40,000 private donors.

Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind is one of the foundations in the Netherlands that received CBF's control mark for proper fund-raising. CBF is the Central Bureau of Fund-raising in the Netherlands, that has a watchdog function for the entire sector. To obtain this control mark a foundation has to meet high quality regulations for fund-raising, expenditures, bookkeeping etc.

Memberships and co-operations

We are active member of Goede Doelen Nederland a foundation that represents the most important charities in the Netherlands, sets general rules and serves the general interest of the members affiliated to the foundation.
Furthermore, We are working closely together with other foundations in the Netherlands in different co-operations and coalitions in several fields, such as applications concerning playgrounds, youth participation, internet, and so on.

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